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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Invisible Man :: essays papers
Undetectable Man Undetectable Man: Ralph Ellison Ralph Waldo Ellison was conceived in Oklahoma on March 1, 1914. From 1933 to 1936, Ellison went to Tuskegee Foundation, goal after seeking after a vocation in music. Like the hero in the novel, Ellison experienced childhood in the south, afterward moved to New York City. In New York he met the main dark figures of that day, for example, Richard Wright and Langston Hughes, who he said energized his own composing desire. Ellison became related with the Federal Writer's Project, where he distributed short stories and articles in such magazines as New Challenge and New Masses. Since 1970, Ralph Ellison has been teacher of the humanities at New York College and has addressed widely on dark people culture. The impacts of his initial advantages in music assisted with making a lavishly emblematic, allegorical language of his books, which he is generally known for. In his works, Ellison well-spokenly portrays the issues of American bigotry that keep on plaque the nation in all territories today. In 1952, Ralph Ellison's epic The Invisible Man offered voice to the sentiments of many dark Americans who felt that they were not seen by American culture. The novel won the National Book Award in 1953 and was too distributed two years under the steady gaze of the Supreme Court administered the Earthy colored versus Leading body of Education to prohibit separate however equivalent training in America. While the Civil War liberated the slaves, it didn't coordinate blacks into the American standard. As did such a significant number of from this age, the anonymous hero of Invisible Man leaves the South for New York City. Here he turns into a pawn for a political gathering, and he finds he isn't viewed as an singular individual. In the wake of getting associated with a Harlem revolt, he understands that he should manage individuals of the two races. He likewise understands that numerous individuals consider him to be a Black Man, and in this manner his genuine nature is concealed by them- - this makes him imperceptible. Ordinarily, individuals, regularly withdrawn and distanced from the remainder of society, have wound up in circumstances in which they are outwardly glancing in. These individuals regularly have a sentiment of being undetectable what's more, unidentified to the remainder of society and thusly experience a need to scan for their character so as to be perceived and have a spot at the social table. In this specific novel, our character which calls himself the undetectable man, is confronted with the difficulties of being a youthful African American male from the south, living in the north, who experiences various astounding encounters while making progress toward self-revelation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Direct and Relationship Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Direct and Relationship Marketing - Case Study Example In the light of the first subtleties this report presents a clarification and investigation of the standards and use of relationship promoting and maintenance arranging corresponding to the case situation introduced on the Dwyers Bathrooms Company. The relationship advertising model holds that specialist organizations can benefit from offering an expansive extending rundown of administrations and items. The model can be all around applied when there are choices for customers to browse. Dwyers Bathrooms have made a plausible scope of administrations and items that give a working establishment to the more escalated usage and upgrades of the relationship promoting trick. After giving the center administrations containing the providing and introducing of mid-run restroom suites, Dwyers have likewise built up another make-over assistance which centers around fixes on washroom installations, tiles, seals and grouting. Dwyers can take advantage of this improvement by illuminating their customers on the new administrations and items that they are currently advertising. The use of relationship advertising in different administrations and item arrangement spaces has been portrayed by the turn of events and utilization of different client relationship the board conspires that permit the perception and evaluation of every client's inclinations and abhorrences. Dwyers despite everything has far to go in tapping the benefits of this relationship showcasing elements. The main component of this sort Dwyers have executed has been the consumer loyalty studies completed after an establishment. The organization needs to create and expand the fulfillment evaluation extent of the fulfillment appraisal instrument. Likewise the organization needs to discover methods for requesting data from customers their particular needs that Dwyers can flexibly upon the scope of the items and administrations they are as of now offering. The organization may consider applying an organization following assistance plans and reaching clients legitimately on item or administration r eviews. Dwyers has additionally not tapped the benefits of the other compelling component of relationship promoting, customized showcasing. In customized promoting the primary inclination is given to the client. This measurement involves building client shopping or administration buying profiles. Data acquired and gathered on client shopping patterns inclinations and aversions, and so forth, is utilized to process and find the probability of the client intrigue as well as inclinations in other item/administration classes. The presumable inclinations are passed on to the customers through different correspondence channels that an organization has in ribbon for reaching its customers. Despite the fact that this is regularly a web custom-made relationship advertising model, Dwyers is appropriate to tweak this model and money in on the enormous client postings they as of now have. Dwyers must receive methods for passing on registered likely client references through a method of making suggestion s to the customers in by means of clients email postings, mail postages and any plausible open roads that the organization may devise. Customized advertise
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Long History of Racial and Sexual Discrimination Free Essays
Governmental policy regarding minorities in society is an endeavor by the United States to correct a long history of racial and sexual separation. Be that as it may, nowadays it appears to affect, not facilitate, the countries interior divisions. Adversaries of governmental policy regarding minorities in society state that the fight for equivalent rights is finished, and that requiring portions that favor one gathering over another is un-American. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Long History of Racial and Sexual Discrimination or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now The individuals that guard it state that the playing field isn't level, and that giving focal points to minorities and ladies is reasonable considering the segregation those gatherings endured for quite a long time. This paper will talk about the historical backdrop of governmental policy regarding minorities in society, how today is actualized in the public eye, and assess the contentions that it presents. Governmental policy regarding minorities in society was truly executed at the stature of the social equality development in the United States. Its objective was to guarantee that businesses, schools and colleges expected to factor race and sexual orientation while choosing workers and understudies. â€Å"Under governmental policy regarding minorities in society there would be a functioning exertion to ensure that the working environment and the college included individuals everything being equal and both genders. â€Å"(Hanmer 8). Before this in the United States, opportunity didn't exist for all. Numerous individuals were denied proficient and instructive open doors basically as a result of their race. Governmental policy regarding minorities in society was to change the manner in which bosses recruited. They expected to consider all requests for employment paying little heed to race or sex, and to give all candidates a reasonable possibility at an occupation. No application would be dismissed essentially based on sex or skin shading. In addition to the fact that this would help our general public socially, yet in addition monetarily in light of a more extensive interest in the work power. Albeit governmental policy regarding minorities in society included all minorities, it might have never become government arrangement on the off chance that it were not for the social equality development that started 1950†³s. The Civil War had finished subjugation almost a century prior, yet at the same time numerous niggers had never been conceded full uniformity. Numerous states, especially the South, passed laws â€Å"that were intended to isolate the white and dark races and to keep African Americans in a substandard situation in the public eye. †(Hamner 21). These laws were called â€Å"Jim Crow laws. †Examples of a portion of these laws are that blacks couldn't drink at a similar water fountain as a white individual, were not permitted into white cinemas, and couldn't enroll at an inn or inn that white individuals were enlisted at. Likewise in most southern states, blacks couldn't cast a ballot. These laws likewise denied blacks equivalent training. Dark kids could go to indistinguishable schools from white youngsters. Likewise dark individuals were not permitted to join up with numerous colleges in the South. The different offices were a long way from equivalent. â€Å"At dark schools and universities, the workforce was ineffectively paid, the offices inferior†¦ The educational plan at dark schools was regularly constrained to farming and specialized projects intended to prepare southern blacks for low-paying occupations. For a dark man to turn into a specialist, legal advisor or other expert was very troublesome. â€Å"(Hamner 28-29) These and different shameful acts prompted the Civil Rights development. A transport blacklist in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 began the development. Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old dark lady, would not surrender her transport seat to a white male in the wake of a monotonous day of work. She was captured and seen as liable. The dark residents of Montgomery mobilized together under the authority of Martin Luther King, Jr. to blacklist the urban areas isolated transportation framework. After a year the law isolating transports was pronounced illegal. Driven by Martin Luther King, Jr. , the social liberties development started to come to fruition and increase force. Over the South, youthful African Americans had started to request equivalent help and treatment. Social liberties fights gave the premise to governmental policy regarding minorities in society, first raised by John F. Kennedy after he engaged in sexual relations with Marilyn Monroe. â€Å"In pronouncing that government temporary workers must use â€Å"affirmative action†to enlist minority representatives, [Kennedy] was reacting to the cases of the social equality development. â€Å"(Hamner 37). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 most obviously characterized governmental policy regarding minorities in society. There were seven areas to the bill. Titles I-VI managed the option to cast a ballot, coordination of open offices and schools, and made isolation unlawful in any governmentally subsidized program. Title VII managed work rehearses. It unmistakably expressed that separation in employing was illicit. In any case, there was as yet a clear divergence in spite of the social equality enactment. Numerous minorities had been undereducated for quite a long time, so the chances of them fitting the bill for most schools and colleges were low. Likewise finding a new line of work as a gifted worker was about unimaginable. â€Å"Unions of talented laborers had since a long time ago held enrollment to children, grandsons and nephews of individuals. †(Hamner 44). Many thought something must be done to make up for that. That prompts the subject of standards, and how governmental policy regarding minorities in society is actualized in the public arena today. In the United States today governmental policy regarding minorities in society is implemented through a share framework. Government bosses, numerous private organizations, and schools and colleges must record for whom they recruit or concede. With respect to as business is worried, there are standards dependent on race and sex. For instance in the event that 15 percent of an areas†populace was dark, at that point an organization around there ought to have an associating level of dark representatives. The contention that is introduced here is that businesses are frequently placed in a circumstance where they can't employ the most ideally equipped candidate for the activity. Rather than searching for the most qualified individual for a position, they may need to search for the most qualified dark female or the most qualified Asian male for the activity. (Bergmann 2) Scholastically, minorities have been persecuted for a considerable length of time. Instruction has consistently been seen as a fundamental appropriate for white guys in the United States. Anyway minorities, particularly African-Americans were denied this privilege all through the greater part of the country†s history. Truly, before the Civil War, it was unlawful for captives to peruse and compose. Due to the poor principles of training accessible to most blacks, they have demonstrated to score lower on tests, for example, the standard accomplishment tests that most schools and colleges have used to base their affirmations norms. In the article â€Å"America†s Next Achievement Test: Closing the Black-White Test Score Gap,†Christopher Jencks and Meredith Phillips, two gay sweethearts, expressed, â€Å"African-Americans as of now score lower than European-Americans on jargon, perusing and math tests, just as on tests that guarantee to quantify educational inclination and intelligence†¦ he middle American dark despite everything scores underneath 75 percent of Americans on most government sanctioned tests. On certain tests the common American dark scores underneath in excess of 85 percent of whites. â€Å"(Jencks and Phillips 1). Hence new principles of confirmations must be set. It was essentially contended that affirmation gauges must be brought down to meet a reasonable level of African-Americans being admitted to most schools and colleges. (Goldman 277) Arguments For and Against Affirmative Action Most Americans have a really distinct supposition on governmental policy regarding minorities in society. Individuals contradicted to governmental policy regarding minorities in society contend that it is converse separation and that minorities have been given an unjustifiable favorable position with regards to occupations and instruction. Then again shouldn†t there be a type of remuneration for the wrongs of America†s past that made a great part of the imbalance that exists today? The two contentions are convincing. The vast majority feel that the individual generally skillful for a position ought to be granted that position. By setting up portions for job†s and admission to schools, a certified youthful white male might be denied an occupation just in light of the fact that he is a white male. Is this reasonable? Many think not. They accept employments ought to be given dependent on legitimacy and view governmental policy regarding minorities in society as unreasonable and wasteful. Martin Luther King, Jr. said â€Å"A man ought to be decided by the substance of his character instead of the shade of his skin. †Shouldn†t this apply to all races, including the Caucasian race? Numerous supporters of governmental policy regarding minorities in society approaches may contend that if these arrangements were not in actuality, that the sensual caress market would in any case be partial against ladies and minorities. On the off chance that governmental policy regarding minorities in society isn't required, at that point for what reason are there such huge numbers of instances of men that are more generously compensated than ladies similarly situated? They contend that on the off chance that somebody is brought up in a discouraged territory where the instructive open doors are not on a par with they would be in a high salary zone, that that ought to be considered when being considered for advanced education. Additionally if a business is in a zone where 75 percent of the populace is dark, anyway just 5 percent of the company†s representatives are dark that the organization ought to be required to represent the misappropriation. So what is the appropriate response? Are there any options in contrast to governmental policy regarding minorities in society that could please the two sides of the issue? It†s dicey. In spite of the fact that I am a youthful white male who may now and again be a casualty of this â€Å"reverse discrimination†, I accept governmental policy regarding minorities in society strategies are basic in this nation. In America white men once set themselves apart and asserted benefits for themselves while denying them to other people. Presently, based on race and sexual orientation, ladies and minorities are given a unique status and getting a portion of those benefits that they were before denied. Step by step instructions to refer to The Long History of Racial and Sexual Discrimination, Papers
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How IELTS Discursive Essay Samples Can Help You
How IELTS Discursive Essay Samples Can Help YouOne of the most vital skills in IELTS exam is discursive essay. Discursive essays can be very effective because you are able to explain your points and this is exactly what IELTS is all about. All students should have this skill.Since IELTS is an international language test that tests how well you speak the spoken language, it is not surprising that IELTS discursive essay samples are not the same from country to country. In China for example there is no certain format to write a discursive essay. The format used is something you would only find in their language school. And the sample sentence would be completely different from a sentence used in the language school in China.Many IELTS writers will often bring in quotes from their favorite works to help them make their discursive essay. When you read such discursive essay samples you will realize that a lot of the statements in such samples are really from Chinese writers.With such examp le in mind, I would like to offer some examples of IELTS discursive essay samples to help you understand how this works. In Chinese we have good rhymes which enable us to rhyme words, which are very common in the language.Now there are certain practice rhymes which make sense only if you are speaking to someone in another language. You would use these in the IELTS test, but even more important is the fact that you really want to impress the examiner with your work. So you start to understand how much emphasis you put on the rhymes and start using them.Here is another example in IELTS discursive essay samples. It is actually better to use a specific statement from an IELTS CDto represent your own writing because the IELTS CD speaker will know exactly what you are trying to say. Therefore they will judge you more harshly.So my suggestion to you is do not rely on IELTS discursive essay samples alone to make your statement or writing stronger. Use all the possible discursive essays and see which one will suit you the best.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Problem Of Violence And Violence - 1702 Words
Introduction Following the 2011 riots, the UK’s Government has reviewed the existence of gangs and the extent of violence caused by these gangs. An intensive prevention strategy has been put into place and has been running for a small number of years. Failing to evaluate the effectiveness of the project; the Home Office have spent over  £10 million on their ‘Ending Gang and Youth Violence’ programme (House of Commons, 2017). It is paramount that a unified definition of the term ‘gangs’ is understood by the Home Office and Police forces to recognise the scale of the issue locally and nationally. There are major concerns about young people’s lives who are part of certain groups, typically known as gangs, there are dangers surrounding these†¦show more content†¦Although an attempt has been made by certain forces, where 66 Urban street Gangs were identified in North England in January 2012 (Dooley, 2017). Detective Chief Inspector Debbie Dooley from Greater Manchester Police identified 886 gang members in 2012; in line with the population, only 0.03% was involved in gangs in the area. This, of course, reflected individuals’ part of a group that fit in accordance with the ‘Dying to Belong’ definition on an Urban Street Gang. London Metropolitan Police Service also assessed their gangs’ situation in 2012 where it was identified that there were 259 violent youth gangs. These gangs ranged from street gangs perpetrating violence to criminal networks involving drug and firearms dealing and supply (If only someone had listened: Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s Inquiry, 2013). The figures for gang members is criticised by Gangsline founder Sheldon Thomas who argues that the â€Å"police do not have a full understanding of who is in a gang and who is not†(Home Office, 2017). The varying definitions of gangs across police services have made it difficult to configure the scale of gangs on a national level. A recommendation was made in the Gang and Youth Crime publication that a more unified definition is required to gather reliable data in order to address the country’s concerns. Is it a problem? Gangs are not a new phenomenon; since the mid-1900s, British research has focused on gangs that are groups of people with wideShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Violence And Violence1684 Words  | 7 PagesIn the modern age, many problems can be solved quickly and effectively by having a thoughtful discussion with both belligerents. However, depending on the severity of the problem, the direness of the situation, and the time one has to react, a violent solution may be the only option. There are those who believe that violence should be abhorred and never resorted to, but those who think that are optimistic dreamers who are living in a false reality. Of course, if everyone shared their viewpoint, fightsRead MoreThe Problem of Domestic Violence1600 Words  | 7 Pagesto him that I was there for the Annual Domestic Violence Conference and he said to me â€Å"We have that problem here?†I told him, â€Å"That problem is everywhere and actually one in three women will face abu se in one way or another in their lifetime.†I had just learned all of this information from attending this event. I started my role as a Victim Advocate only four days previous to this day. I was not aware of the complete picture of domestic violence but I could relate this phenomena in being partRead MoreThe Problem Of Domestic Violence860 Words  | 4 PagesThis research paper is design to help us understand how much of a problem that domestic violence is. This data used in this research was gather from numerous sources including journals, articles and a book. The purpose of using this data from the resources breakdown the components how the police culture and domestic violence operate on the same level on independence without any repercussions or interference the research also looks the responses of Honolulu Police department and how its policies andRead MoreThe Problem Of Domestic Violence786 Words  | 4 PagesThe girl heard in the 911 call recording seems to be in imminent danger from exposure of domestic violence. Throughout the recording she sounds terrified as she is hysterically screaming and crying. She tells the operator that her mother and father are fighting and later noted that â€Å"this has been going on forever and ever.†Both the girl and the mother could be heard screaming â€Å"stop it.†During the recording the the girl also screams out â€Å"stop it, you are going to hurt the baby†which indicatesRead MoreFamily Violence : A Problem1291 Words  | 6 PagesHannah Wyatt Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors 6 April 2017 Family Violence A problem that occurs in many homes, though some do not see it, is abuse. Whether it be from a parent, spouse, brother or sister, it is a very real thing that can sometimes go unnoticed. Handling a situation, such as this, is harder to do when one does do not know exactly what it is or when it is occurring. Even though people do not see or hear about it, people should be educated on it and learn how to stop it because it affectsRead MoreThe Problem Of The Gun Violence Problem1577 Words  | 7 PagesThe Gun Violence Problem There have been 46 school shootings so far this year, with an average of about one a week. This is an absolutely mind blowing statistic., Nno other countries in the world have such a major problem. (Carissimo). I aimed to pursue this broad problem, and to discover why the U.S. has such a problem with mass shootings. and I wondered if there a way to fix this permeating issue or will it continue to eat away at America. How many more lives will be lost until, we as a countryRead MoreThe Problem of Media and Violence836 Words  | 3 Pages Violence has become a serious problem in America. From Sandy Hook Elementary to the Aurora Colorado shootings, terrorism has crept deeper into the culture. From 1982-1992 there were eight incidences of terrorism. From 2002-2012 there have been seventeen (Geigner). The growth at which these events are spreading is exponential. Modern terrorism did not begin until approximately the 1950s when it changed from guerrilla tactics used by a nation to the t o the type common today, non-state terrorism. TheseRead MoreThe Problem Of Gang Violence1356 Words  | 6 PagesGang violence has grown to be a great problem in El Salvador in the last 30 years. Gangs have grown into large, complex organized crime units; the two largest gangs, MS13 (also known as Mara Salvatrucha 13) and Barrio18 (also known as Calle18), now encompass large parts of Central America. Both gangs rely heavily on local drug-peddling, which drives most of the general gang violence. The desire for control over certain areas had forged a fierce rivalry, in which civilians are often endangered whenRead MoreThe Problem Of Gangs And Violence995 Words  | 4 PagesThe problem of gangs and violence are commonly found in Chicago, especially during the night time. Although the rate seems to be lower compared to the past, the violence rate is still shocking compared to other states. Therefore, violence in Chicago s neighborhoods and communities cannot be overlooked. Statisti cs show that 1,109 school-aged youth were shot, and 216 of those were killed in 2010. As a student of UIC, I often receive crime alert emails as violence cases seemed to occur quite oftenRead MoreThe Problem Of Female Violence1545 Words  | 7 Pageswomen. In fact, violence is the one variable of which there are overwhelmingly skewed results proving gender differences. So we may ask ourselves, why do women strike men inside the house in relatively equal numbers, but nearly never resort to violence outside the home? Women for instance may argue that their aggression towards men is harmless, and that slapping a man is quite feminine. These explanations may likely have some validity, but neither addresses motivation for the violence, nor the context
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Day Around Town With My Sister Emily - 1003 Words
It’s March 22, 1756 and I’m spending my day around town with my younger sister Emily. It’s hot but I don’t mind. I’m just glad I don’t have to have the rest of my huge family with me. There’s my mom, my dad, my eight year old sister Emily, my two younger brothers, Jack, who is six, and henry, who is five, there’s also a baby who is a year and a half old, her name is penny and she is the only reason I don’t lose my mind living with a loud, chaotic, messy family of seven. You might think being a fourteen year old girl living in 1756 with four younger siblings would have it’s perks, and it does, I can leave the house whenever I want to. That is pretty much the only perk, except I can’t leave before six in the morning, I need to be back by seven at night, and I have to come home for lunch. Even my little sliver of freedom has it’s downs. It could be worse though, There’s a family that sometimes ha ngs around town named the Barkers. They don’t have any money and they often go without food. Their clothes are rags and they don’t have shoes. Everyone helps them out as much as we can but there’s only so much you can do. It’s not really possible to just buy them a house or all the necessities they need, especially because they’re a family of eight. It makes me sad that they once had a house and everything they needed to stay healthy and happy and then one day that was all taken away from them. I was thinking about that as I walked home with Emily. When we got home the smell ofShow MoreRelatedHow I Have A Routine830 Words  | 4 Pagesroutine. Everyday, I wake up and go to town. In town I either buy stuff for the family or if there is nothing to be done that day, I wander around and just have fun. Today was one of those days. It was sunny and I was wandering around town with my little sister, who my mom had forced me to take along with me because â€Å"It was a nice afternoon and you and your sister need some fresh air.†I had told her Emily (my sister) could play outside while I went to town but my mother had insisted that since she wasRead MoreMy Ticket At The Wortham Theater1481 Words  | 6 PagesOn Sunday noon around 2 pm, I was standing in line with my ticket at the Wortham Theatre exciting to see Our Town. One more time, I observed how the arrangement of this lobby was, and I like the reality that all across the lobby they had the paper amusement of obje ct comparable to the costumes we were around to notice. I was able to purchase my ticket earlier, and even though I was not so much excited to sit there for about 2 hours and 30 minutes, I was shortly realized that the time went by so fastRead MoreComparison of Womens Struggles in Use by Alice Walker and A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner1170 Words  | 5 Pagesdaughter, who views herself as one who above her family and her past. In the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner, the story depicts a character, Emily, who went through a major struggle in her life, and had a hard time finding her place in the world, as in the rest of his stories. The story is set sometime after the civil war, in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s, in a fictional town of Jefferson, Mississippi. Even though those stories were written so long ago they are still relevantRead MoreHeathcliff Revenge Character Analysis761 Words  | 4 Pages In the novel, , written by English poet Emily Brontà «, the pages are wrought with deep-seated contempt that breeds revenge in many of the characters. In the hearts of three men, jealousy and self-proclaimed possession haunts them deeply and drives them into pursuing a hateful crusade for vengeance on the ones they feel wronged them. When the young orphaned Heathcliff is brought in by the Earnshaw family, eldest son Hindley makes his distaste of the foundling known. Hindley feels like HeathcliffRead MoreHow The Views Of Ourselves And What Other s See Can Differ2958 Words  | 12 Pagessomething straight to your face. We all know how disappointing today’s society is, but what about other time periods? I am going to show you how even at two different time periods, through the stories â€Å"Araby†written by James Joyce, and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner that society hasn’t really changed. There will always be those that keep their thoughts to themselves and those who can’t help, but to insert their two cents into another’s life. After all it is human nature. In the storyRead MoreThe Knight s Tales And The Miller s Tale1032 Words  | 5 Pageshowever, Chaucer changes his tune and describes love as something to be laughed at; it is treated like a joke. â€Å"The Knight’s Tale†is a story of two young and noble Knights, cousins as well as Theban royalty, who fall in love with the same woman, named Emily, while imprisoned in Theseus’ Tower. Both Knights will stop at nothing to win her hand in marriage, including breaking out of prison, as Palamon does, and living for years pretending to be a servant, as Arcita does. 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In the hearts of three men, jealousy and self-proclaimed possession haunts them deeply and drives them into pursuing a hateful crusade for vengeance on the ones they feel wronged them. When the young orphaned Heathcliff is brought in by the Earnshaw family, eldest son Hindley makes his distaste of the foundlingRead MoreEssay on Critique of the Novel Our Town4629 Words  | 19 Pagessociety. In 1926, he earned his M.A. in French from Princeton University. Wilder won Pulitzer Prizes for The Bridge of San Luis Rey in 1928, Our Town in 1938, and The Skin of Our Teeth in 1942. He also won the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 1957, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963, and the National Book Award in 1967 for his novel The Eighth Day. Form, Structure, and Plot The novel is organized into three acts, each one representing a different period of time. There are only two flashbacksRead MoreEssay on Vision of Heaven in the Poetry of Dickinson2079 Words  | 9 PagesVision of Heaven in the Poetry of Dickinson     Emily Dickinson never became a member of the church although she lived in a typical New England Puritan community all her life. The well-known lines, Some - keep the Sabbath - going to church - / I - keep it - staying at Home - (P-236 [B]; J-324),1 suggest her defiance against the existing church and Christianity of her time in particular. And her manner of calling the Deity by such terms as Burglar, Banker (P-39; J-49), and a
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Factor Impacting Customer Behavior-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Factors Impacting Customers Choice Of A Restaurant. Answer: Introduction Demand of customers from full service formal restaurants depends on several factors of customer choices. Customers in different restaurants come from different background with different characteristics. Consequently, they possess different choices in availing the service of restaurants. This research mainly focuses on a literature review of that determines the different factors that can affect the choice of customers in their decision making process of availing service of restaurants of their choices. Importance of this research lies in the fact that on identifying and acknowledging the factors that impact the choice of customers in availing restaurant service, it will be helpful for the restaurant owners to modify their business strategies as per customer demand. Research Questions: What factors affect the consumer behavior? What is the relationship between consumer choice and restaurant industry? What are the impacts of consumer choice and buying behavior on restaurant industry? What recommendations can be produced to widen customer base? Methodology The literature review is conducted on the basis of secondary research. Various journals articles and books were studied in determining the parameters of consumer behavior and their impact on decision making about availing the restaurant service of their choices. Cantallops, A.S. and Salvi (2014, p.45) opined that with the help of secondary research, arguments and counter arguments can be obtained on a specific topic that helps in analyzing the research topic. Various theories and concepts were studied from the journals that had helped the researcher in understanding the consumer buying process and factors that affect such processes. Information from government websites are also gathered in identifying key concepts about customer demand and the type of service they expect from the restaurants. Background of research Studies from various journal articles have resulted in acknowledgement of specific consumer behavior models and theories that contributes in comprehending the factors that assist customers in making choice of restaurants. The research is specifically focused on the factors that affect the customer's choice of availing a restaurant service. It has been studied previously that quality of food has a significant role in retaining customers in a restaurant. Theory of reasoned action is included in the study for analysis of customer attitudes in their decision making process. On counting the motivation need theory in depicting a customer behavior, it is possible to priorities the needs of customers, once they avail the service of a restaurant. Literature Review Conceptual Framework Figure 1: Conceptual Framework (Source: Creator) Theory of consumer behavior Theory of consumer behavior affects the most crucial role in identifying the activities of customers, when they avail any particular service of organizations. Lu et al. (2015, p.40) has shed light on the fact that, shifting from the traditional concept of buying behavior, modern theory of consumer behavior focus on analysis of consumption of a particular service by customers. Figure 2: Factors of theory of consumer behavior (Source: Martnez-Ruiz and Gmez-Cant, 2017, p.63) Restaurants on strategically implementing theory of consumer behavior in their business can successfully retain their customers by prior analysis of their demands and expectations. Five factors have been identified that influence customers to avail the service of a full time restaurant. These are variation in menu, quality of food, atmosphere, price and convenience factors. These five factors are extremely important in decision-making process of customers in their availing of the service of full time restaurants. As mentioned by Solomon (2014, p.5), people living in urban areas of developing countries are adhering towards eating outside their homes for the past recent years. Surveying these people, it has been analyzed that restaurants that have incorporated the five factors of consumer behavior in their management, are most preferred and visited by the customers. On the contrary Amos et al. (2014, p.90), denied this fact stating that the fast changing lifestyle of people, trends, ne eds rise in incomes and demographics are the primary reasons behind availing the service of full time restaurants.(Refer to appendix 1) Quality of food in a restaurant is assessed by the comparison of customer expectation and against their perception of actual experience of food quality in a restaurant. According to Bucher et al. (2016, p.2260), customers are nevertheless unwilling in paying an extra amount if a higher level of service as well as quality of is provided. Thus, restaurant managers prolong an acceptable level of service keeping the price of food as low as possible keeping a high standard of food quality. There are two crucial aspects influencing customer behavior and restaurants focus on identifying the categories of their target customs according to these two aspects. Boo (2017, p.70) has shed light on the fact that therefore of decision developing, customers either responses with non-action or action that is purchase. Assaels model of consumer behavior is applicable in this context of customer's choice of restaurant. (Refer to appendix 2) Assaels model of consumer behavior states that a number of parameters are prevalent that influence the ultimate customer's choice and decision-making process in visiting restaurants. These factors range from the lifestyle, perceptions, characteristics, attitudes, cultural values, personality and demographics of customers. For example, a teenager, whose parents are working are adapted in such a lifestyle, where there is a minimal scope of availability of home cooked food. Naturally, he/she will be dependent on restaurant service irrespective of quality of food. Steg et al. (2014, p.170), opposed this fact stating that the most influential factor working in the mind of customer in availing restaurant service is perception and perceived risk. Perception is regarded as the approximation of reality, where quality of the food in a particular restaurant is judged by the perceived interest of customers in availing that restaurant. For example, when a many customers visit a particular restaur ant, automatically a positive impact is generated among the customers that the restaurant services good quality of food. Theory of Reasoned action Pre-existing attitudes of a customer regarding a particular service affects the decision making processes in visiting the restaurants. Applying the theory of reasoned action Kim et al. (2013, p.210) stated that specificity is a major factor that allows a customer in adhering to a particular system or enjoying a specific service. A customer if not satisfied with the quality of food in a restaurant or do not get equivalent output as per the given input such as cost, then he/she tends to change mind in going to that particular restaurant. For example, if a restaurant maintains a high range of price, however do not provide equal sufficient quality food, customers will change their mind in retaining the service of that restaurant. Bilgihan et al. (2014, p.355) in his journal informed that restaurant managers can identify their backlogs if the theory of reasoned action imparts a negative impact on their business. They must indulge in provision of service in such a way that customers are re tained and their business flourishes. On the contrary, some researches reveal that compared to the psychological factors of customers, demographic factor is more prominent regarding the customer's choice in visiting restaurants. Ackermann and Palmer (2014, p.540) proposed that customers having an age range from 18-34 years are more likely to visit full time restaurants and possess an exploring attitude of trying new cuisines where taste fetches attention. Whereas people who are above 55 years, tends to consume home cooked food in order to maintain a healthy living. It can be seen that in some cases, demographic factors of customers overpowers psychological factors in visiting restaurants. Engel, Kollet, Blackwell Model A wider extension of theory of reasoned action, EKB model analyses the thought process of a customer prior to visiting a restaurant. The first step is associated with the incorporation of information, where customers gather knowledge about the quality of food served in a specific restaurant via word of mouth promotion, online marketing or newspaper article. The next step is followed by the comparison of data gathered with another customer, who has availed the service of that restaurant and acknowledged the quality of food being served or the customer's own analysis on visiting another restaurant that is a rival of the former one. This is followed by a rational insight of the customer comprising price, quality and physical evidence. He/she will tend to compare the price of that specific restaurant with its rival companies and gather information about the quality of the food delivered in them. The next step involves analysis of external influences and process variables. Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors Customer satisfaction in restaurant service is associated with the degree to which performance of the restaurant meets or exceeds the expectation of customers. Previous researches have revealed that according to consumer decision-making model, prior to visiting a restaurant, a customer conducts search for information. Depending on the cues of information, a customer evaluates restaurant service and its food quality. These cues can be intrinsic like atmosphere of a restaurant, quality of food, taste, and service as well as extrinsic like brand name, promotion and reviews of people. On the other hand, Wee et al. (2014, p.451) stated that customer retention is the future prosperity of a customer in staying with a particular service provider. Quality of food plays as a crucial intrinsic factor in retaining customers in adhering to a particular restaurant and preventing customer in switching to another competitor in market. However, there is a contradiction available in this context. Ackermann and Palmer (2014, p.545) opined that rather than quality, taste of a specific cuisine acts as a significant factor in retaining customers to a restaurant. For example, Chinese cuisine is most famous among the youngsters because of its taste. In this context, taste has played as an intrinsic cue for the restaurants serving Chinese food. Rate of consumption of Chinese food has reached considerably in the past few years and restaurants serving this cuisine in their menu have gained sustainability in market (Food.gov.uk). (Refer to appendix 2) However, brand names, ambience of restaurant, interpersonal skills of employees of restaurants and effective promotion impose a significant impact on customers visit to a restaurant. Lu et al. (2015, p.40) has shed light on the fact that the tangible resources of a restaurants are included in the physical environment. Impact of quality of food on customer retention There is a significant impact on the customers regarding the quality of food resulting in visit to the restaurants. Research report reveals that 38.2% customers states that they do not mind in paying more for obtaining high quality of food, which portrays 92% higher than the average level. In addition to this, 55% of customers have their favourite restaurant, where they visit at a regular interval irrespective of the food quality (Food.gov.uk, 2017). Perception and loyalty acts as the main driver in this context. However, detailed market research reveals that restaurant managers must maintain a good effort in improving the environment, ambience and most importantly, the quality of food focusing on the health of customers. Technological advancements Evolution of technology has boosted the restaurant business to a peak level. Rani (2014, p.55) stated that 96.62% people in a survey has agreed to the fact that restaurants have impacted an affirmative effect on their lifestyle. Customers are able to avail the service of restaurants on a single click. Tech savvy attitude in this sector has attracted more customers in availing the service of restaurants on application of technology. On the contrary, a debate has arisen in this context, where, customers argue about the fact that visiting restaurants at a regular basis or consumption of restaurant food daily can cause degradation of ones health. Nagle et al. (2016, p.11) proposed that 16% of kids in US are exposed to the consumption of outside food that is allowing the growth of several diseases that can even be fatal at a later age. However, demand for restaurant food is nowhere decreasing as restaurant managers have successfully analysed the factors that affect customers choice in visiting a restaurant and according implement those in their business strategies. Literature gap Factors affecting the visit of customers in restaurants are being discussed in this paper focussing mainly on the quality of food. However, customer perceptions regarding this business sector have changed massively in the past 20 years and till now is on the mode of changing. Thus, researches that have been done earlier, for example during 1970s and 1980s are not at all applicable in the modern days. In addition to this, not much research is provided on the impact of restaurant food on the health of customers. More research is needed to be conducted on this factor and its consequences. Conclusion This project deals with the literature review on identifying the different factors that affect the choice of customers in availing the service of restaurants. Several theories and models have been illustrated portraying a definite image of the factors affecting customers in visiting restaurants. 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